Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin: What we are and what we do

The Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (ukb) is a highly specialized clinical centre for the treatment of severely diseased patients resp. for the rescue and rehabilitation of seriously injured. The hospital has been founded in 1997 and holds an, also internationally, leading position within special disciplines as the therapy of burn-, spinal cord- and hand-injuries.

The ukb is annually treating about 100,000 patients. The medical devices are regularly being brought up to date. The expert knowledge of the ukb-physicians is being used on the part of many other German hospitals, e.g. by means of telemedical links.
The physicians of the ukb are worldwide available for medical consultations in case of emergencies. The Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin is additionally offering further education to the personnel of other hospitals, i.e. for instance in the fields of Intensive and Emergency Medicine.

The Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (ukb) belongs to the limited non-profit company „BG Kliniken – Klinikverbund der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung gGmbH“ (BG Clinics – Hospital Group of the Statutory Accident Insurance).

The BG – Hospital Group is the biggest associate of the limited company which is operating the ukb as hospital owner. The nine Industrial Professional Associations represent further associates. The nine acute care hospitals of the Statutory Accident Insurance are ranking among the biggest trauma centres in Germany. They are annually treating almost 550,000 patients as BG hospitals in cooperation with one clinic for occupational diseases and two accident treatment institutions by means of the highest level of innovative first-rate medicine.